Our Projects

Click on the geographic region hotspot to view some of the projects in Energy Market Group’s portfolio:

Tap on the title to view some of the projects in Energy Market Group’s portfolio:

  • Energy II IDIQ, 2018-2023, USAID / RTI International
  • Energy Sector Technical Leadership and Engendering Utilities 1.0, 2013-2018, USAID / IRG
  • Best Practices Publication on Operating Contracts for Managing Infrastructure Enterprises under Difficult Conditions, 2007, USAID
  • Assessment of Clean Energy and Power Sector Opportunities in the Latin America and Caribbean Region, 2024-2026, USTDA
  • Costa Rica Smart Grid Maturity Model Navigation Feasibility Study, 2016, CECACIER
  • Dominican Republic Smart Grid Upgrades for System & Market Operator, 2015, USTDA
  • Latin American and Caribbean Solar Energy DM, 2011, USTDA
  • Mexico Renewable Energy DM, 2011, USTDA
  • Review of the European Union’s Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA), 2024, ADB
  • Advancing Women’s Leadership in Energy (AWLE) Leadership Capacity Building, Eastern Europe & Ukraine, 2021-2023, NARUC / USAID
  • Turkey Smart Grid Definitional Mission Projects I and II, 2010-2011, USTDA
  • Turkey Distribution Assessment Mission Energy Diversification and Efficiency, 2009, USTDA
  • Gas to Power Markets Assessment for the Middle East Region, 2013-2014, Chevron
  • MENA Power Sector Assessment and Energy Projects Resource Guides, 2010, USTDA
  • Iraqi Ministry of Oil Human Resources Training Project (IOTP), 2007, USTDA
  • Definitional Mission for Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) Opportunities in South Africa (pipeline creation, project assessments, industry roundtables), 2023-2025, USTDA
  • Feasibility Study for the 225kv WAPP Interconnection Reinforcement Project, 2025-2026, USTDA/Continuum Associates
  • Mozambique Green Economy Firms Assessment and Economic Linkages for Diversification (EL4D), 2021-2023, World Bank
  • Nigeria Sustainable Minigrids for Energy Access and Social Inclusion Feasibility Study, 2021-2023, Sosai Renewable Energies / USTDA
  • Transaction Advisory for NIPP Gas-Fired Power Plant Acquisition in Nigeria, 2021-2022, Private Investor
  • Developing Natural Gas Industry Guidelines for Ghana Energy Commission, 2015, USAID
  • Technical Assistance on Change Management for Electricity Corporation of Ghana (ECG), 2013-2015, USAID
  • Feasibility Study for Tendaho Geothermal Power in Ethiopia, 2008-2009, USTDA
  • Electricity Markets Workshop: Design, Operation and Management (for EAPP, WAPP, and CAPP), 2008-2009, USAID
  • Assessment of Climate Resilient Energy Opportunities in the South (India, Bangladesh) and Southeast Asia Region, 2021-2023, USTDA
  • Institutional Strengthening of Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd., 2017-2019, World Bank
  • Pakistan Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Power Plant Feasibility Study, 2017-2019, USTDA
  • Pakistan Power Distribution Improvement Program (PDIP), 2013-2018, USAID
  • Pakistan Energy Sector DM II (for Electricity Distribution), 2012, USTDA
  • Electricity Markets Workshop: Design, Operation and Management (South Asia), 2010, USAID
  • Pakistan Energy Efficiency & Capacity Building Program, 2010, USAID
  • Pakistan Energy Sector Investment Definitional Mission (for Renewable Energy & Alternative Fuels), 2009, USTDA
  • Training Needs Assessment for the South Asia Regional Initiative for Energy (SARI/E), 2004, USAID
  • National Policy and Strategy Development for Critical Minerals in the Renewable Energy Value Chain for Mongolia (“Climate-Smart Mining for a New Climate Economy”), 2024-2026, ADB
  • Definitional Mission for Climate Resilient Energy Opportunities in the Asia-Pacific Region, 2023-2025, USTDA
  • Socioeconomic Assessment of Mining Affected Communities in Mongolia, 2024, Private Client
  • Assessment of Climate Resilient Energy Opportunities in the South and Southeast Asia Region (Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Bangladesh, Malaysia, India), 2021-2023, USTDA
  • Vietnam Smart Grid Development & Implementation Reverse Trade Mission (RTM), 2014-2016, USTDA
  • Shanghai Distributed Energy, Micro Grid, DSM, and Energy Storage Study, 2014, USTDA
  • Desk Study of Distributed Energy/ Micro Grid Projects in China, 2013, USTDA
  • Indonesia Renewable Energy Investment Definitional Mission, 2005, USTDA

Sub-Saharan Africa

  • Definitional Mission for Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) Opportunities in South Africa (pipeline creation, project assessments, industry roundtables), 2023-2025, USTDA
  • Feasibility Study for the 225kv WAPP Interconnection Reinforcement Project, 2025-2026, USTDA/Continuum Associates
  • Mozambique Green Economy Firms Assessment and Economic Linkages for Diversification (EL4D), 2021-2023, World Bank
  • Nigeria Sustainable Minigrids for Energy Access and Social Inclusion Feasibility Study, 2021-2023, Sosai Renewable Energies / USTDA
  • Transaction Advisory for NIPP Gas-Fired Power Plant Acquisition in Nigeria, 2021-2022, Private Investor
  • Developing Natural Gas Industry Guidelines for Ghana Energy Commission, 2015, USAID
  • Technical Assistance on Change Management for Electricity Corporation of Ghana (ECG), 2013-2015, USAID
  • Feasibility Study for Tendaho Geothermal Power in Ethiopia, 2008-2009, USTDA
  • Electricity Markets Workshop: Design, Operation and Management (for EAPP, WAPP, and CAPP), 2008-2009, USAID

The Americas

  • Assessment of Clean Energy and Power Sector Opportunities in the Latin America and Caribbean Region, 2024-2026, USTDA
  • Costa Rica Smart Grid Maturity Model Navigation Feasibility Study, 2016, CECACIER
  • Dominican Republic Smart Grid Upgrades for System & Market Operator, 2015, USTDA
  • Latin American and Caribbean Solar Energy DM, 2011, USTDA
  • Mexico Renewable Energy DM, 2011, USTDA

Global Projects

  • Energy II IDIQ, 2018-2023, USAID / RTI International
  • Energy Sector Technical Leadership and Engendering Utilities 1.0, 2013-2018, USAID / IRG
  • Best Practices Publication on Operating Contracts for Managing Infrastructure Enterprises under Difficult Conditions, 2007, USAID

Central & South Asia

  • Assessment of Climate Resilient Energy Opportunities in the South (India, Bangladesh) and Southeast Asia Region, 2021-2023, USTDA
  • Institutional Strengthening of Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd., 2017-2019, World Bank
  • Pakistan Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Power Plant Feasibility Study, 2017-2019, USTDA
  • Pakistan Power Distribution Improvement Program (PDIP), 2013-2018, USAID
  • Pakistan Energy Sector DM II (for Electricity Distribution), 2012, USTDA
  • Electricity Markets Workshop: Design, Operation and Management (South Asia), 2010, USAID
  • Pakistan Energy Efficiency & Capacity Building Program, 2010, USAID
  • Pakistan Energy Sector Investment Definitional Mission (for Renewable Energy & Alternative Fuels), 2009, USTDA
  • Training Needs Assessment for the South Asia Regional Initiative for Energy (SARI/E), 2004, USAID


  • National Policy and Strategy Development for Critical Minerals in the Renewable Energy Value Chain for Mongolia (“Climate-Smart Mining for a New Climate Economy”), 2024-2026, ADB
  • Definitional Mission for Climate Resilient Energy Opportunities in the Asia-Pacific Region, 2023-2025, USTDA
  • Socioeconomic Assessment of Mining Affected Communities in Mongolia, 2024, Private Client
  • Assessment of Climate Resilient Energy Opportunities in the South and Southeast Asia Region (Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Bangladesh, Malaysia, India), 2021-2023, USTDA
  • Vietnam Smart Grid Development & Implementation Reverse Trade Mission (RTM), 2014-2016, USTDA
  • Shanghai Distributed Energy, Micro Grid, DSM, and Energy Storage Study, 2014, USTDA
  • Desk Study of Distributed Energy/ Micro Grid Projects in China, 2013, USTDA
  • Indonesia Renewable Energy Investment Definitional Mission, 2005, USTDA

Middle East & North Africa

  • Gas to Power Markets Assessment for the Middle East Region, 2013-2014, Chevron
  • MENA Power Sector Assessment and Energy Projects Resource Guides, 2010, USTDA
  • Iraqi Ministry of Oil Human Resources Training Project (IOTP), 2007, USTDA


  • Review of the European Union’s Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA), 2024, ADB
  • Advancing Women’s Leadership in Energy (AWLE) Leadership Capacity Building, Eastern Europe & Ukraine, 2021-2023, NARUC / USAID
  • Turkey Smart Grid Definitional Mission Projects I and II, 2010-2011, USTDA
  • Turkey Distribution Assessment Mission Energy Diversification and Efficiency, 2009, USTDA

Assignment Name: Vietnam Smart Grid Development & Implementation Reverse Trade Mission (RTM)

Country: United States

Name of Client: United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA)

Duration: 2014-2016

Description: In support of the ADB’s Power Grid Efficiency Program with Vietnam ($460M USD, 2013) EMG was contracted by the USTDA to organize and conduct a Reverse Trade Mission (RTM) for 12 representatives of the EVN Ho Chi Minh City Power Corp (EVN HCMC) to the US for technology and information transfer related to smart grid development in Vietnam.

Assignment Name: Shanghai Distributed Energy, Micro grid, Demand-Side Management, and Energy Storage

Country: P.R. China

Location within Country: Shanghai

Name of Client: United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA)

Duration: 2013-2013

Description: EMG conducted a comprehensive feasibility study and development of a demonstration implementation plan as a part of the TOR development. The pilot project was designed for end-use customers in Shanghai to ultimately benefit from increased Economic, Reliability, Quality and Sustainability of supply by allowing expansion of generation to renewables and cleaner fuel. The project was the first of its kind, a model in China for integration of a buildings-based micro grid that combines clean DER, energy storage technologies, and DSM practices. The project would serve as an important model for future, effective smart grid and DSM in China, achieving both base load and peak load reductions through distributed energy resource technologies and micro grid control hardware and software.

Assignment Name: Training Needs Assessment for the South Asia Regional Initiative for Energy (SARI/E)

Country: India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka

Name of Client: U.S. Agency for International Development

Duration: 2003

Description: The consultant carried out a training needs assessment for the energy sector of the South Asia region to help identify capacity building activities for the South Asia Regional Initiative for Energy of USAID. Prepared a training needs assessment strategy covering key issues of the energy sector in the South Asia region: identified the appropriate institutions and persons who could provide reliable information, arranged all in-country meetings, interviewed over 60 stakeholders in four countries and 6 cities within a 2-week period, assembled the information from all these interviews into a coherent summary of key issues, and developed a rational capacity building strategy that would effectively address these priority areas. Recommendations were presented to the USAID Mission, and a comprehensive training plan was developed focusing on the priority areas: Improved Utility Management, Rural Energy Delivery, Energy Efficiency, Restructuring & Regulatory Reform, Banking/Project Finance, and Attracting Private Investment, and Capacity Building for Public Awareness and the Media.

Assignment Name: Electricity Markets Workshop: Design, Operation and Management

Country: Gabon. Nairobi, Kenya, Senegal

Name of Client: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Duration: 2008- 2011

Description: Planned, design, and implement annual workshops on the design, operation and management of electricity markets for participants from South Asia and multiple regions of Africa
The consultant successfully planned, designed, and implemented annual workshops on the design, operation and management of electricity markets for participants from South Asia and multiple regions of Africa. A total of over 90 Regulators, Policy Makers and Utility Executives from 30 different countries have attended and successfully completed the training workshops. Workshops addressed the elements necessary for sound electricity market structure and design. Workshops also covered competition, market power, transparency and governance, wholesale electricity trading, and connecting market prices or power procurement costs with end-user tariffs

Assignment Name: Smart Grid Updates for System Operator and Market Agents in Dominican Republic

Country: Dominican Republic

Location within Country: Santo Domingo

Name of Client: United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) / Quanta Technology

Duration: 2015-2016

Description: Under a sub-contract with Quanta Technology, EMG provided Smart Grid Technical Assistance to Organismo Coordinador del Sistema Electrico Nacional Interconectado de la Republica Dominicana (OC-SENI). The Project team examined the current conditions of the power sector and made recommendations for investments to allow the sector to be posed for smart grid investment. This laid the foundation to upgrading the system.

Assignment Name: CECACIER Costa Rica Smart Grid Maturity Model Navigation Feasibility Study

Country: Costa Rica

Location in country: San Jose, various

Name of Client: Comité Regional De La Cier Para Centroamérica Y El Caribe (CECACIER)

Duration: 2015-2016

Description: EMG assisted in developing a 4-tiered approach to develop Smart Grid Business plans for to eight utilities in Costa Rica. EMG worked with each utility, understanding the organization’s context, (business drivers) and set the appropriate expectations to ensure the success of the Navigation and preparation process.

Assignment Name: Iraqi Oil Training Project (IOTP) – Human Resources

Country: Iraq

Location outside of the Country: Chevron, Houston, Texas

Name of Client: United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA)

Duration: 2013-2015

Description: The project intended to support the overall sector’s transformational needs within the Ministry of Oil, seeking to accomplish this through capacity building project focused on organizational change. The objective of the project was to create a cadre of mid-level and senior level managers who were responsible for implementing organizational change and for spearheading human resource development and management efforts within the Iraqi Ministry of Oil. This activity was designed to enable this group of select individuals to reform the existing vertically integrated monopolistic sector into a more efficient and competitive restructures sector which operates based on the principals of market economics.

Assignment Name: Pakistan Energy Efficiency & Capacity Building

Country: Pakistan

Name of Client: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Duration: 2010

Description: The consultant under the USAID Pakistan Energy Efficiency and Capacity project provided a two weeks in-country Technical Assistance (TA) and Training on Distribution Loss Reduction /Demand Side Management (DLR/DSM).
The consultant’s team of DSM experts provided a one week of TA for the DSM advisor of four participating Disco’s including ; HESCO, MEPCO, PESCO and QESCO As a part of TA, the consultant’s team of international specialists with deep experience in DSM, reviewed the proposed projects and made a number of suggestions in how to modify their plan in order to improve the operation of the distribution companies, to reduce theft and losses in distribution networks and help businesses, households and farmers understand and invest in energy efficient equipment and operations.
In addition, the consultant in discussion with them designed and conducted a follow up, one-week workshop on the Disco’s energy efficiency and DSM for over 40 participants including the DSM advisors, participants from all Disco’s as well as representatives from Ministry of Water and Power as well as PEPCO.
In addition to the Technical assistance and training, in discussion with DSM advisors and the participants of the follow up training workshop, the consultant reviewed their training needs and prepared a brief report outlining several training activities.

Assignment Name: Pakistan Energy Projects Definitional Mission II

Country: Pakistan

Name of Client: U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA)

Duration: 2011

Description: Pakistan Energy Projects Definitional Mission II
USTDA states that the background report prepared by the consultant is the most comprehensive ever prepared by a Definitional Mission. It includes analysis of complex issues of interaction between fuel and electricity demand, the effects of privatization and restructuring of the local distribution companies, and the effectiveness of measure to transition the energy economy toward renewable resources. The consultant selected 6 projects and prepared detailed project analyses and Terms of Reference for USTDA support activities such as Feasibility Studies and Technical Assistance. A selected project included installation of a Smart Grid system to help Islamabad Distribution Company (IESCO) to upgrade their IT infrastructure and reduce its distribution losses.
The consultant worked directly with leading government officials, executives of private companies, and members of the national planning commission. The selected projects collectively have potential to reduce power and fuel shortages that are hampering development of the Pakistan economy, to introduce new renewable technologies, and to exceed Pakistan’s national goals for renewable energy and greenhouse gas reduction.

Assignment Name: Pakistan Power Distribution Improvement Program (PDIP)

Country: Pakistan

Location within Country: various

Name of Client: IRG/Engility (now RTI International) /United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Duration: 2010-2015

Description: EMG was a subcontractor for the implementation the USAID Power Distribution Program (PDIP) project: a five year, USAID-funded program aimed at working jointly with nine government-owned distribution companies (DISCO) in Pakistan to improve their performance, in terms of a reduction in losses and in improvements both to revenues and customer service, in order to elevate these DISCOs to the level of well-governed utilities in other progressive countries. Through this program, the United States Government provides assistance and support to the Government of Pakistan in its efforts to reform the power sector to end the current energy crisis.
PDIP began in 2010 and was designed to be implemented in the three distinct components below:
Component 1 – Operational Audits of each of the nine government-owned DISCOs. The purpose of these in-depth, operational audits was to establish baseline information that could be used to measure improvement in performance over time. The audits covered governance, operational–including commercial and engineering, financial, human resources, communications and customer service areas, and surfaced opportunities in fundamental improvement in all these sectors. These improvement opportunities are reflected in DISCO-specific Performance Improvement Action Plans.
Component 2 – Execution of the Performance Improvement Action Plans by each DISCO, including implementation of key performance improvement projects to demonstrate several key operational interventions and directly measure their value to the utility.
Component 3 – DISCO Turnaround consisted of a deep dive into various interventions that demonstrate significant short, medium, and long-term commercial, engineering, and revenue improvements that prepared two DISCOs for eventual privatization.

Assignment Name: Technical and Financial Feasibility Study for 400-435 MW CCGT Power Plant

Country: Pakistan

Location within Country: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province

Name of Client: United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA)

Duration: 2015 -2017 / 2019

Description: The objective of this feasibility study (“Study”) was to evaluate the technical, economic and financial viability of a 400-435 MW gas-fired combined cycle plant (“Project”) that the Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization (“Grantee” or “PEDO”) is developing on behalf of the provincial government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (“GoKP”) in Pakistan. A secondary objective is to facilitate project approval by a Panel of Experts (POE) at the Private Power and Infrastructure Board of Pakistan (PPIB), assuming the plant’s technical, economic, and financial viability are evaluated favorably.

Assignment Name: Energy Sector Technical Leadership (ESTL)

Country: Worldwide

Location within Country: various, including Kenya, Jordan, Georgia

Name of Client: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Duration: 2013-2018

Description: ESTL Project assists the USAID Office of Energy & Infrastructure within the Bureau for Economic Growth, Education, and Environment to provide technical leadership through training and knowledge sharing activities related to energy sector. EMG was in charge of implementation of Engendering Utilities Project to increase the professional participation of women in the energy distribution sector and improved women’s career prospects while improving the quality and cost of electricity services. Given the scale and importance of distribution companies in an economy, increasing the number of women within power sector utilities represent a significant opportunity for improving gender outcomes within developing economies. The Engendering Utilities Program had two phases. Phase One identified seven power distribution utilities in five countries, where there is executive-level commitment to improve gender outcomes within the company. Phase Two of the Engendering Utilities Program focused on working with each utility to implement the agreed upon interventions over a two-year period. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed by each Partner Utility setting out the agreed upon interventions as well as the roles and responsibilities of USAID and USAID’s Partner Utilities.

Assignment Name: Technical Assistance for Green Economy Firms Assessment Economic Linkages for Diversification (EL4D) Project

Country: Mozambique

Location within Country: Maputo / various

Name of Client: World Bank

Duration: 2022-2023

Description: Mozambique is ranked the third most vulnerable country to climate change in Africa. Despite the significant climate disasters, and the government’s commitments to mitigate and adapt to climate change, Mozambique’s private sector is still operating with outdated and climate-unfriendly technologies and taking insufficient steps to become more competitive in the area. Emerging entrepreneurship is occurring in Mozambique’s circular economy, consulting services for green solutions, amongst others, but these industries are yet to develop at the scale needed to support the potential needs of other sectors of the economy. The World Bank, in partnership with the Government of the Republic of Korea, have funded this technical assistance (TA) program to pilot access to digital tools for small scale manufacturing and green innovation in Mozambique. Under this technical assistance, activities seek to support new paths of green innovation and digital skills for MSMEs. Furthermore, the TA aims to create opportunities for promoting circularity, and technology adoption amongst MSMEs. TA activities aim to provide access to tools, knowledge and resources for learning, innovation and invention using digital tools for light fabrication. This TA take on the dual approach of addressing:
1. Firms that can benefit from green technology upgrade (“demand side”), and
2. Firms offering Green Solutions (“supply side”)

Assignment Name: Transaction Advisory for Thermal (Gas) Power Plant Privatization

Country: Nigeria

Location within Country: various

Name of Client: Private Investor Group

Duration: 2021-2022 (Est)

Description: EMG has been retained by a Nigerian investor consortium to support its efforts in the acquisition of thermal power plants, that are being privatized as a part of a large privatization program of infrastructure assets. The thermal power plants are part of the Nigeria Integrated Power Project (NIPP) plants owned by the Niger Delta Power Holding Company (NDPHC), located in the southern part of the country ranging in size from 435MW to 635MW.
This program will be carried on a competitive bid basis, managed by the Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE) in Nigeria in 2021-2022. The process will begin with a prequalification phase and be followed by a full competitive bid phase. The resulting preferred bidder will be invited to negotiate the transaction documents and take over the awarded company. The thermal power plants shall be divested 100% to the investor, while the hydropower plant shall be operated under a 25-year concession arrangement. EMG is mandated to assist the investor from the prequalification phase through to negotiations, should the bids be successful.

Assignment Name: Sustainable Minigrids for Energy Access and Social Inclusion Project

Country: Nigeria

Location within Country: Kaduna, Kogi, and Plateau States

Name of Client: Sosai Renewable Energies Company Limited (SOSAI)/ U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA)

Duration: 2021-2023

Description: SOSAI has been awarded a grant by USTDA to perform a feasibility study (“Study”) of the development of approximately 100 solar minigrids, and associated low voltage distribution network, in the Nigerian States of Kaduna, Plateau, and Kogi (“Project”).

Assignment Name: Assessment of Climate Resilient Energy Opportunities in the South and Southeast Asia Region

Name of Client: U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA)

Country: Regional South and Southeast Asia

Location within Country: various (India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, others)

Duration: 2021-2023

Description: Building on the USTDA’s Global Partnership for Climate Smart Infrastructure Program, EMG has been recruited to provide preliminary project assessments (“Project Assessments”) for up to 10 project proposals and provide final project reports (“Project Reports”) for up to 10 activities for USTDA funding consideration of feasibility studies, technical assistance activities, and/or pilot projects in the energy sector (including, but not limited to, solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, hydropower, waste-to-energy, biofuels, electricity transmission and distribution, smart grid, distributed energy resources, energy efficiency, energy storage, carbon capture, hydrogen, electric vehicles, and traditional energy and power projects).

Assignment Name: Advancing Women Leaders in Energy – Mid-Career Leadership Training and Human Resources Organizational Support for Regulatory Agencies

Country: Various – Europe & Eurasia

Name of Client: National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) / United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Duration: 2021-2024

Description: Building on the success of the EMG work through USAID’s Energy Sector Technical Leadership (ESTL) and Engendering Utilities Project (2013-2018), EMG was awarded the contract to support NARUC and USAID program Mid-Career Leadership Training and Human Resources Project. The objective of this program is to achieve greater gender equity through amending organizational policies and procedures to fit the needs of today’s economy. EMG carries out the following tasks under this assignment:

Task 1: Leadership Training and Career Plans – We deliver a Leadership Development course to groups of 10 – 15 mid-career professionals for a 6-8 month (if virtual) or 1-week (if in-person) period. Topics include: Leadership, Persuasive Communication, Creating & Using a Network, Business Acumen, Financial Acumen, Strategic Decisions, and others. Training is reinforced through a mentoring system where participants are paired with women leaders in US and Regional regulatory agencies.

Task 2: Human Resource and Organizational Support – Through a monthly Human Resources Working Group, EMG works with leadership and HR departments to assess hiring and promotion practices, implement anti-discriminatory policies, and provide gender awareness training.

Task 3: Leadership Training for Bosnia Herzegovina – 1-week in-person Leadership Development training to mid-career professional women working with the regulatory agency in Bosnia Herzegovina (July 2022)

Assignment Name: Technical Assistance on Change Management for Electricity Corporation of Ghana (ECG)

Country: Ghana

Location within Country: Accra

Name of Client: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Duration: 2013-2015

Description: Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) distributes electricity to a majority of electricity consumers in Ghana and is key to the success of power sector reform effort in the country. The consultant has embarked upon a major effort to improve its performance, in particular loss reduction, improved billing and collection and better customer service. It has made remarkable progress in some areas, including loss reduction—losses have been brought down from 27.2% to 21.3 % since 2011. It was endeavoring to make further progress and would also like to ensure that the gains are sustainable. In this regard, EMG provided change management expertise with track record of having assisted in bringing about meaningful changes in a developing country utility.