Our Services

we are good at what we do


Energy Markets Group is a team of professionals committed to delivering exceptional consulting services to businesses, organizations, and individuals. Our areas of expertise include Transaction Advisory Services and Investment Planning, Energy Sector Leadership, Performance, and Capacity Building, and Diversity, Inclusion, and Gender Mainstreaming.
Click on a link to view a section.

1. Transaction Advisory Services
and Investment Planning

Our holistic approach to investment support

EMG’s services in energy sector transaction advisory and investment planning include project identification, due diligence, project structuring, financial modelling, business planning, stakeholder and consortium support, competitive bid strategy and advisory (throughout the full cycle from project inception to closing), takeover and management transition. Our services are highly flexible and lean as we work with our clients to find the right solutions to project development, acquisition, and bidding. While we have a strong focus on private-sector interests, our deep understanding of government objectives and perspectives in PPPs and privatization processes enables us to provide rational advice to our clients and work with public stakeholders to reach equitable solutions to investment challenges.

Our holistic approach to investment support encompasses the company or consortium’s internal structuring and negotiations, strategic partnerships, as well as the more standard, complete due diligence, business planning, and bid preparation work. Our approach focuses on the identification of risks, finding the proper mitigation mechanisms, allocation among the parties, and ensuring the bankability of the offer – which includes not only the project structuring inside and out, but also a deep and critical analysis of the seller’s terms and conditions as expressed in the transaction document package. Having this comprehensive grasp on the project and its integral components makes us ready for negotiating robust agreements for the long term performance of the project, and a sufficient return to the investor.

Transaction Advisory Services

For example, we provide the following transaction advisory services to our investor clients for power asset acquisition through competitive bid.

A. Consortium Building & Prequalification

  1. Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Partner Search, Recruitment, and MOU
  2. Consortium Building & Stakeholder Support
  3. Preparation of Expression of Interest

B. Complete Due Diligence, Business Planning, and Competitive Bid

  1. Complete Due Diligence – Legal, Technical, Environmental, O&M, Financial, Regulatory
  2. Commercial and Risk Assessment
  3. Financial Modeling
  4. Business Plan
  5. Competitive Bid Preparation
  6. Analysis of Transaction Document Package and Mark-Ups
  7. O&M Agreement
  8. Technical & Financial Proposal


C. Post-Bid Support

  1. Responses to Clarifications
  2. PPA / Concession Agreement (Final)
  3. O&M Agreement (Final)
  4. Additional Concession-Related Agreements (Sale-Purchase Agreement (SPA), Shareholder Agreement (SHA), Connection, PPA, etc.) (Final)
  5. Presentations to Financing Partners

A short history of investment advisory support:

  • Mongolia – Climate-Smart Mining for a New Climate Economy (2024-2026) ADB
  • South and Southeast Asia and Pacific region – Assessment and Pre-Feasibility of Climate Resilient Energy Opportunities (Definitional Mission) (2021-2025) USTDA
  • South Africa – Pipeline Creation and Pre-Feasibility of Just Energy Transition Partnership Opportunities (Definitional Mission) (2023-2025) USTDA
  • Regional West Africa – Feasibility Study for the HV Interconnection between Cote d’Ivoire and Liberia (2024-2025) USTDA
  • Nigeria – Feasibility Study of 64 Solar PV/Hybrid Minigrids for Energy Access and Social Inclusion Project (2021-2023) Sosai Renewable Energies / USTDA
  • Nigeria – Private Transaction Advisory for Thermal (Gas) Power Plant Acquisition (2021-2023)
  • Pakistan – Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Power Plant Feasibility Study (2018) USTDA
  • Costa Rica – CECACIER Costa Rica Smart Grid Maturity Model Navigation Feasibility Study (2016)
  • Dominican Republic – Smart Grid Upgrades for System & Market Operator (2015) USTDA
  • Ghana – Developing Natural Gas Industry Guidelines for Ghana Energy Commission (2015) USAID
  • China – Smart Grid Desk Study for China, (2014) USTDA
  • Shanghai – Shanghai Distributed Energy, Micro grid, DSM, and Energy Storage (2014) USTDA
  • China – China Distributed Energy/ Micro Grid – Desk Study Projects (2013) USTDA

2. Energy Sector Leadership,
Performance, and Capacity Building

Our Transformational Leadership Framework

Our Leadership, Performance, and Capacity Building approach stems from in-depth experience in the management and operations of energy sector markets, institutions, and companies. Our experts bring the real-world experience of managing energy sector entities, and implementing programs for performance improvement, loss reductions, modernization and digitalization for improved long-term sustainability, and cost efficiency. Our capacity building programs focus on the practical aspects of getting things done.

Forward thinking leadership is what is needed among energy sector institutions and companies to conceptualize and drive green transition initiatives. Greater effort has been made in recent years to address Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) implications for national and subnational governments in emerging markets worldwide, to determine how countries may meet their climate-related CO2 reductions across all segments of the economy and take advantage of climate-finance mechanisms to do so. Our team brings this experience to bear through our capacity building and change management programs, needed for climate mitigation and adaptation initiatives to succeed in otherwise traditional economic segments, companies, and institutions.

As part of our approach, we use the proven tool of Transformational Leadership Framework for developing professionals to their full potential within specialized fields – technical, commercial, finance, economic, policy / regulatory, and other key functions needed for performance improvement. Our Action Learning approach allows participants to internalize the learnings within their day-to-day operations and with an approach that drives accountability metrics. We also utilize Intersession Peer Working Groups, the goal of which is to connect participants at a distance to share ongoing learning and examples of how they have applied module content to their work and to collaborate to solve problems or answer questions they have after the conclusion of capacity building sessions.

Selection of Leadership, Performance, & Capacity Building programs

  • 2021-2024 NARUC / USAID Women’s Leadership Development in the Energy Sectors of Europe & Ukraine
  • 2017-2019 World Bank Institutional Strengthening of Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd.
  • 2013-2018 USAID Energy Sector Technical Leadership and Engendering Utilities 1.0
  • 2013-2018 USAID Pakistan Power Distribution Improvement Program (PDIP)
  • 2013-2015 USAID Technical Assistance on Change Management for Electricity Corporation of Ghana (ECG)
  • 2008-2010 USAID Electricity Markets Workshop: Design, Operation and Management (Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia)
  • 2007 USTDA Iraqi Oil Training Project (IOTP) – Human Resources
  • 2004 USAID Training Needs Assessment for the South Asia Regional Initiative for Energy (SARI/E)

3. Diversity, Inclusion, and Gender Mainstreaming

Innovation and strength through diversity

Part of the on-going global energy transition means that the sector is evolving from a highly traditional, tightly integrated industry to one with much greater segmentation where innovation that incorporates the diversity of consumer needs. EMG fully embraces the critical role of women and youth in designing equitable solutions for current and future challenges, in energy access, affordability, technology, productive use, or other pain points in the power and resource value chains. We strive to support greater diversity in leadership to all aspects of energy markets and institutions, from national ministries to regulatory agencies, and utilities, among other key entities to help drive sector development and performance. We offer our clients the experts and experience who model their own commitment to diversity and inclusion or have the vision to drive that change from within.

EMG was the implementer of the USAID Engendering Utilities Project from 2015-2018. The project aimed to increase women’s professional participation in the energy distribution sector and improve women’s career prospects while improving the quality and cost of electricity services in USAID countries. EMG is now working with the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) to implement the USAID Advancing Women Leaders in Energy (2021-2024) program, which supports promising mid-career professional women and HR organizations in energy regulatory agencies of Europe and Eurasia with the aim of building a more inclusive workforce. This program is carried out through on-going multi-country capacity building, individual mentoring, and human resource working groups for regulatory entities.

We Support
You Every Step Of
The Way

We are committed to delivering exceptional consulting services to businesses, organizations, and individuals.